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Re: How to add CA's certificate to Navigator

etdrc@public.bta.net.cn wrote:
>  Here is a problem for your help:
>        Now I have a secure HTTPD server which support SSL,But I havn't a
>  certificate signed by a CA hardcoded in Netscape Navigator 2.01and 3.0b.So
> I generate a certifacte for myself and then use this certificate as a CA to
> sign server site certificates for secure servers in my Intranet.But now I
> face a serious problem: I can't add my CA certificate to Navigator.When the
> Navigator connects to secure http server it pops up a dialog box saying it
> doesn't reconginize CA which signed the server site certificate.Though I can
> communicate with this  server,it IS NOT SECURE because the server's
> certificate doesn't verified by my CA.Can you tell me how to add a CA's
> certificate to Netscape?


and follow the "Certificate Download Formats" link.

frank@netscape.com |  Netscape Communications
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